support life,
no exceptions

It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.
— St. Teresa of Calcutta

sign the personhood amendment petition

Please Sign the Petition to call Governor Kemp to immediately convene a special session of the Georgia General Assembly to pass a Personhood Amendment to the State Constitution.

Sign the Petition

Learn More About Us

  • About Georgia Right to Life

    We are a faith based, non-profit, non-partisan, organization whose fundamental purpose is to engage in actions that will restore respect and effective legal protection for all innocent human beings, without exception, from their earliest biological beginning until natural death. We use the Personhood approach to pursue or Pro-Life goals. Unborn children are Persons from the earliest biological beginnings, and therefore deserve the same rights at born persons.

    The Greater Augusta Chapter of Georgia Right to Life is one of about 30 chapters of the home organization, Georgia Right to Life. We focus activities in Richmond County, Columbia County, and nearby areas.

  • Mark, Houck, FBI, pro life, sidewalk counselor, abortion, augusta

    Southern Evening for Life

    Mark Houck, Sidewalk Counselor Raided by the FBI

    Please support our Pro Life ministry by attending our annual banquet, Southern Evening for Life. It will be held on Saturday, August 24, 2024 and will include Dinner, Live Music, Raffles, and Door Prizes! Our Special Guest Speaker will be Mark Houck, a Sidewalk Counselor, who was raided by the FBI in September 2022. Mark will talk about “Saving Babies, FBI Raids, and God’s Will”.

    The event will be at the Saint Teresa of Avila Catholic Church Dining Hall, 4921 Columbia Road, Grovetown, GA 30813. Doors will open at 6:00 PM.

  • Pro Life Calendar

    Want to get involved in area Pro Life activities and events? Check out our calendar and join us! We love new volunteers! Don’t be shy to reach out. Opportunities include prayers in front of Augusta’s only remaining abortion mill, Pro Life Bridges Day, Student Oratory & Video contest, Pro Life Holy Hour, and more!

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